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Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 10 Jun 2023, 16:01
by zataks
Hi Folks!

I'm zataks, a mod here at dadchat! Just saying hi and welcoming you to the forum.


Re: Your friendly neighborhood mod

Posted: 10 Jun 2023, 17:41
by JoshStrummer
Hey, I'm Josh. I'm a fairly recent member on daddit and came here to make sure I could stay a part of the community. I'm dad to an almost 17-mo old girl who is full of energy and who is learning new words every day. My wife and I are navigating the balance between two careers, and being fairly new to both homeownership and parenthood. It's a lot right now, but mostly it's good.

Re: Your friendly neighborhood mod

Posted: 10 Jun 2023, 18:06
by zataks
Welcome, Josh!

Careers, homeownership, and kids IS a lot. 17 months is right around when I started to enjoy being a dad. Keep it up, you got this.

Re: Your friendly neighborhood mod

Posted: 10 Jun 2023, 21:15
by Ventorro
Hello everyone! Dad to a 19months old- which comes with many ups and downs, but thoroughly treasuring this Dad journey.

Hopefully Reddit sort out their BS, but atleast we have this.

Re: Your friendly neighborhood mod

Posted: 10 Jun 2023, 21:19
by daegalus
Hey all, I am a dad to a 16mo old, and I have another on the way! T-5months. I wanted to stay with this great community so I am joining everyone here.

Re: Your friendly neighborhood mod

Posted: 11 Jun 2023, 00:04
by TurdFerguson24
Greetings from MN. I’ve been on Daddit for like 6 years and now have 4 kids age 7 and under. I’m committed lol. Happy to be here or wherever fellow awesome dads are.

Re: Your friendly neighborhood mod

Posted: 11 Jun 2023, 00:24
by TurdFerguson24
JoshStrummer wrote: 10 Jun 2023, 17:41 Hey, I'm Josh. I'm a fairly recent member on daddit and came here to make sure I could stay a part of the community. I'm dad to an almost 17-mo old girl who is full of energy and who is learning new words every day. My wife and I are navigating the balance between two careers, and being fairly new to both homeownership and parenthood. It's a lot right now, but mostly it's good.
We have both been full time since the start and it’s crazy. Feels like we only have 4 hours per day with our kids (4 kids) and it sucks. Summer weekends help, but I honestly just want to be with my kids all the time. Well…most of the time. Sometimes I want to drink by a bonfire or play Skyrim, but you know, otherwise all of the time.

Re: Your friendly neighborhood mod

Posted: 11 Jun 2023, 08:24
by zataks
Welcome, folks! Im glad you're here!

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 12 Jun 2023, 08:12
by Parsiuk
Hi all! Father of two daughters reporting in. Thank you for setting up the forum.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 12 Jun 2023, 10:42
by AZDad
I'm Richard, dad to twin boys, ages 2.5 and a 5 year old daughter. Live in Phoenix, and loe being a dad. It's tough but the most worthwhile thing I've ever done.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 12 Jun 2023, 11:32
by zataks
Welcome, Parsiuk, AZDad!

Glad you found us.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 14 Jun 2023, 04:38
by Daddyco
Hi all, I'm Matt. Dad to an almost 6 year old little girl. I would be really great to have a good forum of dads going! If you need any help with it, my wife is a full time web developer and started in php and I'm in the process of a career change into development.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 14 Jun 2023, 09:18
by zataks
Hi Matt! Mike here.

Welcome! This is my first forum and 'real' web hosting. I've done a very tiny amount of free hosting but this is a paid hosting and domain I bought.

I'm interested in setting up a site maybe as a blog just so I can learn the dev process without using a web site builder. I know some Python and love SQL/data but most of the work our department does is low code/no code.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15 Jul 2023, 13:50
by btothed03
Hey All!

Father of three just introducting my self. I work in data analytics at fortune 500 company in the midwest and in my spare time I've recently started a blog about dad life. I'm constantly running all around town taking my kids to sporting events, practices and the likes.

HTTP://WWW.WHAT-THE-DAD.COM- feedback always welcome.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 11:12
by zataks
Welcome, B!

I've started blogging too, along with this forum. Only just started. I think it's more for a minor outlet as I used to write frequently but haven't in years.


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 08:12
by btothed03
zataks wrote: 16 Jul 2023, 11:12 Welcome, B!

I've started blogging too, along with this forum. Only just started. I think it's more for a minor outlet as I used to write frequently but haven't in years.

Whats your overall goal for the blog, any desire for monetization?

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 09:51
by zataks
btothed03 wrote: 17 Jul 2023, 08:12
Whats your overall goal for the blog, any desire for monetization?
Honestly, I just want a bigger community here because I prefer not to go to Reddit any more for my dad related interwebbing. And, as mentioned, I used to write frequently as it helps me process things. I stopped for a long time and I think it's probably better for my well-being if I continue it. So I thought I'd give it a try.

I've also never hosted anything before. So, in starting this forum, I bought web hosting and wanted to play around so am trying to learn a bit of HTML and CSS.

Are you using an LLM tool for creating content? You're incredibly prolific

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 22 Jul 2023, 07:21
by alexdobrenko
hey yall - Alex here, dad to a 2yo -- tbh I posted a piece to r/dadit that was removed bc it had links at the bottom and it made me realize I need to be more active in the sub (I usually just read the posts)

and then I found my way here so hello.

dad to a 2yo currently next to me watching TV and admiring his toenails which my wife painted yesterday yellow and purple lol

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 23 Jul 2023, 14:26
by zataks
Welcome Alex!

I try to be pretty quick on removed posts from legit accounts but I crushed a finger Friday and have been in the hospital since so haven't done anything on Reddit .

Painted nails are fun. I used to paint mine when I was white water raft guiding.

I'm getting discharged soon and saw there are ten new episodes of Bluey so that's what I'm watching with my kiddos tonight.