Just joined!

From birth to 12 months or so. Questions directly related to infancy or infants should go here.
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Posts: 1
Joined: 11 Jun 2023, 10:49

Just joined!

Post by Thelizardwizard »

Hi all, just welcomed my first, he's two days old and I just wanted to say that the subreddit (and thus y'all) have really made me feel like this is something I can do, and can do right. Besides sleeping when you can, any tips for new dads?
Posts: 37
Joined: 10 Jun 2023, 15:15
Location: Sacramento Area
Kids/ages: 7M, 5M

Re: Just joined!

Post by zataks »

Oh man, congrats!

Our first ped told us something to the effect of, "the first two weeks are the baby making you fall in love with them," in response to is nothing how much harder it had gotten.

Take care of yourself and your spouse and remember it's you and them against a problem, not you against them.
Posts: 1
Joined: 11 Jun 2023, 23:35

Re: Just joined!

Post by StupidBugger »

Welcome to the club!

Try to prioritize things that save you time when you might be able to sleep: when in doubt during the day, clean the bottles, stock the diaper changing station, take the trash out, run some laundry. You don't want general chores between you and sleep later on. Find ways that you can support your partner: even if so far the baby is exclusively breast fed there may be ways to help with the feeding, and if you can be the go to guy for diaper changes in the middle of the night, it gives you're partner a chance for more sleep, and you a chance for some extra snuggle time. Try to get time where you are taking care of your kid on your own, so you can develop the ways you do things, and your partner gets a break. Remember that is okay for you to do things different than they do. If there are parent/baby groups in your area, either run by the hospital or through done other organization, check them out, as they can be a good way to meet other parents with similar aged kids, and to get in person advice or commiseration. Most of all, though, recognize that you won't be able to plan for everything, and be ready to adapt.

Take lots of pictures. Read to your baby early and often. Have a sense of humor about things, and enjoy the ride :)
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